A safe haven of hope, love, and dignity for those experiencing homelessness.

Thank You for walking!

Thank You for walking!

Thank you for walking with us! SAVE THE DATE Feb. 26th, 2026! Start a team or walk in a 2km or 5km fundraiser for Grace Inn Shelter - our biggest fundraiser of the year! Over 200 cities in Canada participate in Canada’s National Walk for Homelessness. Be part of the movement!

Hospitality for the Homeless

Grace Inn Shelter is a 21-bed emergency shelter for adults experiencing homelessness in Belleville, with a special focus on dignity, community and mentorship.

34,565 Overnight Bed Stays

69,130 Meals Served

12,466 Volunteer Hours

Give the gift of sleep.

Find out more about how you or your group/business can be a monthly sponsor of one of our bed spaces at Grace Inn Shelter or Shiloh House.

From folding sheets to cleaning floors, grocery pick-ups or simply signing up to help at one of our annual events, there’s lots of jobs to be done that can make a big difference!

Join our team of volunteers.

Services Provided by Grace Inn

  • Bed Spaces

    Each guest is provided a semi-private space with a bed and footlocker for clothing and hygiene products to be stored.

  • Guests have unlimited access to essential items for personal hygiene, clothing, and self care.

  • Every morning Guests are provided with a full breakfast to prepare them for a successful day and a hot dinner during intake at night.

  • Systems Navigation is available to guests of the shelter, this program offers guests the support in achieving their goals, including housing, health and addiction reduction/recovery goals.  At our Shiloh House location, each resident is provided case management to work towards their successful exit from homelessness to permanent, sustainable housing through workshops, house meetings and a personalized plan of targeted objectives.

  • Shiloh House is a 5 bedroom + 1 Accessible studio unit transitional house for male identifying individuals. Shiloh House is a housing sustainability program paired alongside an exceptional transition house.

About Shiloh House

“It takes one step to become homeless and three steps to get out of homelessness.”

— Ryan Williams, Canadian Member of Parliament for Bay of Quinte

Under the Grace Inn umbrella, Shiloh House opened in 2022, providing transition housing for eligible residents.

Youth Homelessness
Prevention Program

Help Your Students Make a Difference & Prevent Youth Homelessness

Stories of Hope

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Does someone you know need emergency housing?
Call us 613-966-2898 (In the case of medical emergencies, call 9-1-1)