You could provide a warm bed and shelter for just $35 dollars per month.

Your Monthly Gift will Make a Meaningful Impact!

Sponsor-a-Bed for $35/month
Become a recurring monthly sponsor of one of our bedrooms for guests!

Sponsor-a-Bed PLUS for $55/month
Become a recurring monthly sponsor of one of our bedrooms PLUS, cover the costs of dinner, breakfast and a hygiene pack for one night.

How to Start:

Bed Sponsorship contributions can be made online using the form above. Donations can also be made monthly by cheque, Electronic Funds Transfer or Automatic Withdrawal.

Need Assistance?

Contact or 613-966-2898 to set up a monthly recurring donation in alternate ways other than using the online form.

Your Business Could Make a Big Difference

As a business , your impact is tangible, lasting, and truly inspirational during our Guests’ stay at Grace Inn.

Give an annual donation of $660 or higher to Sponsor a Bed space for 1 night every month.

Your donation will be allocated to particular bed space of your choosing, personalizing your sponsorship to make a tangible, lasting impact within the community.

Guests can stay at the shelter for up to 30 consecutive nights where basic needs will be provided and our staff focus on a providing a sense of community, healthy relationships and dignity. Basic needs offered include nutritious meals, hygiene products, minor wound care, access to showers, and laundry services.